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5th Edition of the Postgraduate Diploma in Sexist Violence

It is a plesure to announce the 5th edition of the postgraduate diploma in sexist violence. In the triptych you will find: Materials, optional itineraries , calendar and schedules, evaluation, requirements of admission, teachers, direction and academic coordination / administrative. The deadline for pre-registration is on 30 September 2018.

5th Congress Women from Baix Llobregat in the fight against sexist violence with the Round Table: performances of the local world against sexist violence, beyond the circuits

Participation of Lorena Garrido from the Antigona Group ?️ 26 June 2018 ? from 18.30 h to 20.30 h ? Civic Center Sant Jordi Ribera Baja (el prat de llobregat) Organized by: City of el prat de llobregat https://www.elprat.cat/la-ciutat/guia-agenda/5e-congres-de-dones-del-baix-llobregat-100-feministes?fbclid=IwAR3aQwp-_yTdJLZ7RNhILwAPWjQAMt9dLpzddXKvO50hpaLeJtaSNHgMPVQ

8TH ANNUAL FORUM of International Amnesty Catalonia

8TH ANNUAL FORUM OF Amnistia Internacional Catalunya: sexual worker’s rights Intervention by Paula ARCE BECERRA IN TABLE 1: the institutional challenge concerning the management of sexual work ?️ 16th June 2018 ? at 10.15 pm ? Can Malet (C / Sant Felip, 2) of el Masnou https://blogs.es.amnesty.org/catalunya/

Third week on Gender Violence

Conference: Encarna Bodelon «the implementation of the law against sexist violence: an evaluation». ?️ June 11, 2018 ? 16.00 – 17.15h ? Classroom Magna Faculty of law of the university of zaragoza Organized by: Laboratorio de Sociología Jurídica UZ https://sociologiajuridica.unizar.es/terceras-jornadas/jornadas?fbclid=IwAR2xAkCr5xznRtQ1ZppKDmOQVdgqK6-SyWxIys98C8rKi3zmDkiE4CnRXkY

New Article from Paula Arce Becerra

Arce Becerra, Paula: A Debate on Prostitution in Spain: Barcelona’s Bylaw on Coexistence (March 16, 2018). Oñati Socio-Legal Series, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3141796

New chapter of Dr. Noelia Igareda’sbook

New chapter of Dr. Noelia Igareda’s book: Igareda González, Noelia (2018): «gestation for replacement: Gender, law and reproductive autonomy» In García Manrique, Ricardo (Ed. ): the body spread: Statute, use and provision of human biomaterials, Madrid: Civitas, PP. 221-236. https://www.atelierlibros.es/libros/el-cuerpo-diseminado-estatuto-uso-y-disposicion-de-los-biomateriales-humanos/9788491777502/?fbclid=IwAR19r6HgjrladZeUAPxPOVbs1lsQ0f_OBiTN2Te-tHy1v7j2kDoaqkPOAag