
Derechos y sociedad en perspectiva de género

Grupo de investigación Antígona


Derechos y sociedad en perspectiva de género

Grupo de investigación Antígona

Carmen Cecília Montes Maldonado

She has a Degree in Psychology since 2010 by the Faculty of Psychology of the University of the Republic (UdelaR). Master’s Degree in Social Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology in the University of the Republic). Currently studying the Interuniversity Doctorate in Gender Studies: cultures, societies and politics of the Autonomous University of Barcelona. She teaches Assistant Grade II, in the Social Psychology Community Program of the Institute of Social Psychology. She has experience in the fields of knowledge production that are related to Social Psychology, Social Community Psychology and Gender Studies.

She is also integrated in  the Research and Development Group (funded by the CSIC-UdelaR) «Study program on socio-legal control of childhood and adolescence in Uruguay. Studies on adolescent offense». Active researcher of the National Researchers System of the National Agency for Research and Innovation (ANII).

Her most well-known publications are:

  • Vera Rojas, Daniel., Montes Maldonado, Cecilia., & De la Barra Urquieta, Carina. (2016). Los cuidados en infancia: regímenes y arreglos familiares en Chile y Uruguay. Psicoperspectivas, 15(3), 34-45. DOI 10.5027/PSICOPERSPECTIVAS-VOL15-ISSUE3-FULLTEXT-828
  • Montes Maldonado, Cecilia & López Gallego, Laura (2015). La experticia profesional en la judicialización de la violencia doméstica conyugal. Quaderns de Psicologia, 17(2), 7-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.5565/rev/qpsicologia.1237


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