
Derechos y sociedad en perspectiva de género

Grupo de investigación Antígona


Derechos y sociedad en perspectiva de género

Grupo de investigación Antígona

Noelia Igareda González

Doctorate in Law from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), Master’s Degree in Gender Equality Policies. Equality agents (UAB), Degree in Law, legal-economic specialty from the University of Deusto. She is currently Professor Serra Húnter of Philosophy of Law at the UAB, co-director of the Postgraduate Diploma «Gender and Equality» and of the Post-graduate Diploma «Sexist Violence» of the UAB and researcher of the Antígona Group. Her main lines of research are gender and law, maternity, bioethics and feminism, feminist jurisprudence. She has coordinated and participated as a researcher in competitive research projects at a European, state, regional and local level.

Her publications are:



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